Thursday, June 2, 2011

The Move

Stella, Stella, Stella, what a piece of work you are. You never cease to amaze me with the things you say and the things you do but this one is really taking the cake as far as I'm concerned. Stella, MIL, always comes out with the most bizarre statements about what she is going to do with her life and living situation, from selling her house to moving in with us (NOT!!!). A few weeks ago her latest announcement was that not only has she decided to rent her house as she has threatened to do many time but she actually has some people lined up thanks to Eric and Francine. Those two pieces of work are another story.

She told us the people were going to move in on Memorial Day weekend. When we asked her what were her plans for her living situation we got the,"oh, I'm going to get a trailer and put it out on my property." to "I think I'll just live in a tent." In other words, she had nothing, NOTHING planned. We informed her like we had a number of times that we were planning on going to Phoenix on Thurs. the 26th and weren't going to be back until Mon. the 30th so she will have to do this on her own because her mijo wasn't going to be there to help her out.

On to the piano. The MIL has a baby grand piano that isn't in the greatest shape after years of her rolling it around on tile floors and moving it a few times and the peddles have fallen off of it too. She tells us, doesn't ask us, that the piano will be coming to our house. This has happened a few times in the past and I have always said no because it will have so many strings attached to it that it would never work out. Thankfully in the past it never got that far but it looked like it was going to happen this time. I called a piano mover to get their rate which was quoted at $175 so I told Kal that we were not going to pay for the move, that it was up to his mother and he agreed. Keep in mind, no one asked me to call the movers, I did it because I was curious. So Sun. the 22nd she asks when the piano movers were coming to get the piano. Once again she just assumed that we had done it and then when we told her the price it was "I'm not going to pay $175, I can get someone to do it for $60." OK, fine, do it, we won't bother. Then about 2 days before leaving for Phoenix, it was another, did you get someone to move the piano? No because you said you were going to find someone to do it for $60. We found someone who will do it for $175 and again, "What! I'm not going to pay that much money to move a piano.". So as it turned out, Kal called and because of the Memorial Day holiday the soonest they could move it was Tues. the 31st, two days after she told her renters they could move in.

Thank god we were going to Phoenix. The day before we were leaving she was over and we told her we were going to be gone until Mon. and she had no recollection of our telling her that. Then she asked about the piano and we told her AGAIN that they were going to be there Tues. which she completely forgot about too. On Thurs. while driving to Phoenix Kal's cell phone rings and what I hear on my end is; We are almost to Holbrook, AZ....I told you, I don't know how many times we were going to Arizona....They are coming Monday to get the piano....It's going to be $175....I told you it was going to cost you that much.

After four nights of being out of town the day came when we had to go back to Albuquerque and to the craziness here. Kal left his cell phone at the convention center so there was no way for Stella to contact her mijo, but she had my number. Kal was getting sick and was thinking of working 1/2 day on Tues. and I was going to take it off anyway. So Tues. comes and Stella says she is working until 11am but wants "to borrow" my truck to bring the last few thing to the storage. I'm not really sure who did it but she did have someone take the heavy furniture to the storage unit but she didn't have them take a number of boxes in the house. So by the time we heard from her it was almost 3 in the afternoon. We went over and there weren't a few boxes but a lot of boxes all over the piano, in the dining area and in the garage. Most of the shit she should have gone through weeks ago and got rid of but no we had to move boxes of books like, How to learn Italian. Plus she had a closet full of clothes in the front hall she thought she could just leave there. We couldn't get it all in before the storage place closed and we didn't even get to the garage things. In the meantime the piano movers did come and bring the damn thing to our house and I brought Stella over with her check book because I know how she works and we were not going to pay for this move and we didn't. Wed. I took what what was left in the truck over.

So in the meantime, we asked her about where she is living. She told us her friend Sharon told her she could stay there awhile and house sit for her when she goes to California on the 9th of June. Then she loves to drop these little bomb shells like how she has been sleeping in her car at her property which just drives Kal up the wall.

I really shouldn't be surprised by her actions but yet, I am. Yesterday was just another stone she keeps tossing at us trying to stone us to death. She still had a bunch of shit in her garage and "supposedly" the tenants told her to come at 1:30 to get it. So she actually showed up at 1:30 then promptly fell asleep on the couch. When Sleeping Beauty awoke the two of them headed over to the house to find the tenants weren't home. So back here they come where she left them a message to call our phone number not her cell number. So she said she was going to go back to Los Lunas and Kal told her he would get her shit Monday after work.

Kelly and Roy had invited us nearly 2 months ago to Kelly's birthday/pool party and it was to start at 4:00 so we were getting ready to head over there and have a nice evening. Why oh why didn't we leave at 3:59 because at 4:01 she calls and tells Kal that she has pulled out everything from the garage and he needed to get over there to load up. I wish he just would have told her to fuck off but no he had to go over there and load up all of her crap, and it really is crap. So I went to the party by myself and he spent the evening with Stella and her crap. Now it's all here either in the back of my truck, in the driveway or in the garage.