Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Introduction of charactors

Here it is the first month of 2010 and I'm starting my blog. Woo Hoo! I wish I had started this years ago because by now it really would be full of the "I can't believe this is true" postings of my crazy life I have had here in the past nine years. I sometimes wonder how did a gay white boy from northern Colorado end up in Albuquerque with my new Hispanic family. I've got to admit since living here it has been the best time of my life mixed in with some of the most bizarre times. Never a dull moment.

Introduction of main characters:

Me: see profile

Efren Kaleb (Kal): my partner / husband / friend I call him Kal because that is how he introduced himself to me on New Years Eve 00 - 01. My family, our neighbors and people who go to our church also know him as Kal. Efren is his first name and that is what his family and friends who knew him before we met know him as. It gets a little confusing remembering who knows him as what and we have done two sets of Christmas cards with the Kal batch and the Efren batch.

Efren Sr.: Kal's father who passed away in 2003.

Stella: Full name is Estella but I'll usually refer to her as MIL (mother in law), Kal's mom who will end up playing a huge part of our lives.

Eric: Kal's brother aka Manny short for manipulator and Baby Jesus (BJ) because he is just that in his mother's eyes as he walks on water.

Francine: Eric's wife aka Mary Magdalene due to her relationship with BJ.

Wendy: My sister who lives in North Carolina but has enough pull to yank my chain from there.

Various family members, friends and neighbors will be introduced later.

How I'm thinking this will work is this. The fresh ideas will be written first but there has been so much that happened already I will have to place them in when I can. With this family there will be plenty to write about. I tell people things that have happened and it is usually a reaction of disbelief or so what else is new?

OK here goes.............

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