Thursday, January 28, 2010

Last night

I'm getting so tired of my MIL and her coming over every night. Really! I would love to just make enough food for Kal and me for dinner but I know that she will come over like she does just about every single night. It's my fault for not setting up boundaries years ago regarding Kal's and my personal time although Kal doesn't support me either. (more later)

Margaret had given me one of those pork tenderloins frozen in shrink to fit plastic that you just put into boiling water for awhile, cut open and serve. I thought that would be good on mashed potatoes so I got vegi-burgers for Kal and had some asparagus that I made for dinner. Of course I cooked all 4 of the vegi-burgers so the MIL would have some too. Some nights she calls with her phony bologna, "I haven't eaten a thing all day." or more to the point, "What's for dinner?" but last night there wasn't any call so we sat down a little before 7pm. So true to form after we ate and were putting things away there is the door bell. Kal told her to get her own plate because we were starting to watch the State of the Union. She sat there shoving the food in her mouth without a single thank you, this is good, nothing - nada - zilch and I am getting more and more angry.

Then Kal made the mistake of asking her if she knew about the computer program, Excel? What? Kal knows much more about computers then she does but yet she answered with a definitive "Sure!". I knew that Kal had to be at work early the next day and he said he was planning on going to bed early but the two of them were back there for the longest time. I started watching American Idol and then the two of them came out. I kept thinking "she's going to leave, she's going to leave" but no. Then it's 10pm and nothing so I start putting the dogs out and closing up the house. 10:15 she's still here and wants to watch the weather and I'm in bed. She missed it on TV so has Kal look it up on the computer before she finally leaves.

I have taken my anger to bed with me and the more Kal was trying to cuddle or hold me the more I was pushing him away. I take total blame for this and am not proud of my actions. Then at 3am the dogs decide it is time to go outside again which I do naked. Kal got up and Maggie was still outside having problems pooping so I told him to go back to bed. When Maggie came back in she had shit all over her ass so I took her into the bathroom to clean her up which caused the other two to go crazy. Finally with the clean dog we all fell deep asleep until about 5am when Kal had to get up and get ready for work.

Think we will all be a tired today.

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