Monday, February 1, 2010


I'm getting sick of MIL's problems she always continues to have and it is always up to us to fix it. I keep asking Kal why is it ALWAYS when she has a problem it ALWAYS becomes our emergency. That old BMW of hers is nothing but a money pit. It doesn't have to be but since she doesn't take care of it the car has nothing to do but fall apart. I don't know how many months we have told her when she leaves the house she also leaves a puddle in the driveway from her car. Does she do anything about it when the problem is new and can be fixed pretty easy? Noooo.... she has to wait until the car can barely be driven. Now all of a sudden the radiator is shot and isn't holding liquid and she can't drive it so who does she come to? Yeah, us and as always Kal ends up giving her the Jeep. My fear of fears is that she will get into an accident with the Jeep and because of it's age we will end up having to go further into debt to get another vehicle and she won't offer up a dime. I can even bet right here and now she wouldn't even pay the deductible. It will somehow be our fault.

Of course when shit like this happens Baby Jesus won't help out at all. It's basically just fuck off and he doesn't care one way or another about his mom or us for that matter. He and Francine are very selfish and couldn't be counted on to help us for anything as far as I'm concerned.

A few months ago it was the same thing about her car when it was having problems and had to go to the shop. It was about $400 to fix it and of course MIL told us she didn't have the money and her credit cards were maxed out. Does baby Jesus volunteer to help pay this bill, fuck no, so we ended up paying for it and as expected there has been no mention or effort to pay us back for it. What was our option? Don't pay for it and let her use the Jeep and run it into the ground? Let her walk? Once again, MIL wins we lose as it has been for the last nine years and there is no way I can think of that this will ever change. As my dad would say about people and I'll apply it to MIL is; I pity her because she is so pitiful.

So now back to the Beemer and the radiator. Not only does MIL know everything about the school systems, finances or whatever she now is an expert on car problems. I got roped into being the one to call to take / pick up or whatever needs to be done because Kal is working and needs to take the Jeep to work. I got a message on the phone this morning at 8:15 and she says the mechanic told her the radiator is plastic and will need to be replaced at around $200. Her message to me is she told the mechanic the radiator is metal and that she will find someplace else to take it followed by the pitiful, "what do you think Kevin?" Knowing better then to fall into this pit I called back and left a message that I don't know that much about cars so I am not the person to ask about repairs. I may have been born at night (not really) but I wasn't born last night. So now I am waiting for the next phase on the ongoing Beemer saga.

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