Friday, February 12, 2010

Jump! How high?

It's amazing. I can't tell you how much I was really looking forward to having a nice quiet evening ALONE with Kal and watching the season premier of Survivor, H vs V but of course when it comes to this family I am feeling once again what I want really doesn't matter. When it comes to his mother or brother Kal just can't be firm with them and tell them no. I'm not really sure why he wants to please them so much when all they do is take advantage of him.

Case in point 1: Over the holidays when BJ had his little kiosk at the mall to sell his statues and things he asked Kal if he would help him out and had him work three times a week for at least four hours a day without pay. Kal of course did that and told BJ that he would do more if he needed. What does BJ do to show his appreciation, he takes Kal off the schedule once so he could have Francine's best friends son work and he paid him!

Case in point 2: He can't say no to his mother either especially when it comes to dinner in the evening. It's my fault as well because I still always make enough food to feed her but I am really getting over it. It's bad enough when she just comes over whenever she feels like it or calls and asks "what's for dinner." but when we don't hear from her Kal feels the need to call and ask her where she is, did she eat? and to come over. Come on, he thinks she is unable to feed herself and even when she says no (which may be once a month) he pleads for her to come and eat even when we are finished and the kitchen is cleaned up.

Now that Kal is working full time I hardly get the chance to see him so I really don't want to share him every night with his mother. That's why when she left on Wed. night she told us she wouldn't come over on Thurs. because it is my TV night and I was thrilled to have a night alone for a change. The evening started to disintegrate when BJ called about 6:15 and I was listening to Kal talking to him. Some of the things I heard were "sure bro" "we'll be there" "see you tomorrow at 6:30". When I asked Kal where will we be at 6:30 and what day will this happen? He told me that "the family" is going to get together at BJ's house on Friday to have a rosary read to pray for Eric and Francine and all the problems (his embezzlement trial) going on in their lives. Francine's mom Tina is going to lead it and I could go but didn't have to participate in it.

They got that one right. First off I'm not Catholic and I don't understand the rosary, that's going to be my main excuse for not participating. Secondly I think the whole thing of praying for BJ is hypocritical. In my opinion, if he weren't guilty on some level why in the world would you be need to be prayed for? The thing about this whole thing I find astonishing is, if I were accused of embezzling thousands of dollars and I knew I didn't do it I would be shouting it from the tops of the mountains. I would be doing my damnedest to talk to and convince everyone I know, especially those in or related to my family and let them know this couldn't be and isn't possible that I could be guilty of this crime. I have yet to see that from Eric. I hear that he has a lot of evidence he could present against his old boss and the old there are two sides of every story, but not once, not a peep from him saying "I didn't do it." So yes, I do think he is guilty and this praying bull shit just doesn't sit well with me.

So back to the evening; after the prayer announcement I served dinner for Kal and myself thinking I've timed it just right to finish and hunker in to watch Survivor at 7:00. Well, sure as hell at 6:54 the phone rings and it's his mom asking Kal her typical bull shit questions of "did I call at dinner?" "what did Kevin make?" then the "I haven't eaten all day" line. True to form Kal told her to come over but we were watching Survivor. I swear she must have been across the street when she called because the door bell rang less then a minute after they hung up. Thank god for the ability to pause live TV because I had to hit the button while the queen entered and do her phony bologna high pitched greeting to the dogs in spanish. She gets her food then starts in about the parents at her school, the administration and someone said this about that and the woman who helped her secure a position at the school has an inferiority complex, blah blah. All the while she is talking it is in that tone of voice that is so condescending and ugly it just sends chills up my spine. I'm thinking the whole time that I'm sure this is the same tone of voice she is using at her school. I can't help but think she used the same tone of voice and the same anger in the other three schools she was "let go" (think; fired) from in the past five years. If I was in a position of authority and she talked to my in that ugly way I would fire her. So after this little tirade she asks us if we are going to Eric's tomorrow for the prayer meeting. Kal told her it was a rosery and he was planning on going and he didn't know if I was going so then she perks up all happy, "oh I'll ride with you mijo."

So after pausing my show for about 25 minutes I was able to start watching but had to keep pausing when she was talking or going into the kitchen before finally leaving. So my night didn't happen, my night never happens. Now it is about 4:15 on Friday, 2 hours and 15 minutes until prayer central takes place, I can't wait. Woo fucking hoo!

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